💧Staking Pools

To deliver value to all holders Yummy launched it’s very own staking platform. This platform offers investors the opportunity to earn passive income through staking. The staking on Yummy’s platform relies on the Proof of Stake principle (PoS).

To go to the staking platform use the following URL: staking.yummy-crypto.com


A quick overview of the page. Top left the Yummy logo directs you to the main website. You can see several tabs on the staking page, such as ‘’Pools’’, ‘’’Vaults’’, ‘’Partners’’ and ‘’Gladiators’’. We will go through each of those in several chapters in these tutorial series. You also see an ‘’Active’’ and ‘’Inactive’’ tab. The ‘’Active’’ shows the live pools and ‘’Inactive’’ shows the expired ones.

In this first part of the Yummy Staking Tutorial we will go through the process of staking in the Yummy-Yummy pool.

1.Connect wallet

To start staking first connect your BSC DeFi wallet using the ‘’Connect’’ button on top right of the page.

After you press it a window will pop up offering the options to connect your MetaMask or WalletConnect.

After you click on the preferred method of connecting you will need to approve the action in your wallet (MetaMask/TrustWallet). When you have successfully connected to the site your wallet will be displayed on the top of the screen.

2.Select pool

The next step is to select a Pool to stake. For this tutorial we will use the top Pool Yummy-Yummy. This means Stake Yummy, Earn Yummy. Click on ‘’Details’’ to expand the pool.

The ‘’Total staked’’ is the amount of Yummy staked in the selected pool. APR is Annual Percentage Rate. The APR is a non-compounded value. The number of blocks displayed under ‘’Ends in’’ shows the remaining length of the selected pool. More about this later on. There is a also a direct link to the main website and the staking contract in bscscan.com.

3.Approve & Stake

To start staking press the ‘’Approve’’ button. This will require an approval in your MetaMask/TrustWallet.

To proceed with staking press the ‘’Stake’’ button in the pool. A new window will pop up where the an amount can be entered to stake.

To stake the max amount available just click on the amount displayed on ‘’Balance’’. This action will require another approval in your Metamask/TrustWallet.

If the transaction is a success the staked Yummy will be displayed in the ‘’Yummy staked’’ box. You can add/remove Yummy by pressing (+) or (-) respectively.

4.Harvest rewards

To harvest the rewards simply expand the designated pool again which will showcase the amount of rewards under ‘’Yummy earned’’.

Press on the ‘’Harvest’’ button and a new window will pop up once more.

The amount here is automatically filled in, so the only action required is to press ‘’Confirm’’. This will again require an approval in MetaMask/TrustWallet.


After a successful harvest the rewarded Yummy will be sent to the user’s wallet. This yield can be compounded (added to stake) by simply clicking on the (+) button, which will pop up the stake window.

The same goes for additional bought Yummy or yields from other pools. If you want to unstake Yummy, press the (-) and enter the amount you like to unstake. This will again require approval in MetaMask/TrustWallet.

6.Pool ending

Every pool has a certain time it’s active. The time left to stake is represented in ‘’Blocks’’. Every block is 3 seconds. ‘’Ends in 100 blocks’’ means ends in 100*3sec = 300 seconds. To check out the remaining time of a pool simply press on the ‘’Ends in **** blocks’’.

By pressing this it will direct you to a bscscan.com page with a countdown timer.

7. Troubleshooting

If for some reason errors occur in MetaMask/TrustWallet it’s important to run a few checks.

  1. Is there sufficient BNB (MetaMask) or Smart Chain (Trust Wallet) available in the wallet for gas fees?

  2. Is there a sufficient amount of Yummy V2 in the wallet?

  3. Is the selected network set on Binance Smart Chain?

  4. Is the online connection of the device properly functioning?

  5. Very occasionally certain pop up windows don’t get fully displayed. As of April 2022 the developers are fixing this bug, but a quick fix the user can do is simply zoom out the screen by adjusting the screen ratio.

This concludes the first part of the Yummy Staking Platform Tutorial. As Team Yummy we hope all our users have a good experience using the platform.

Last updated