๐Ÿ”ถBuy $YUMMY

To buy Yummy tokens you first need to send BNB to your DeFi wallet on the BEP20 network.

Lets add the Yummy token into the wallet first by clicking โ€˜โ€™Import tokenโ€™โ€™ (MetaMask) or โ€˜โ€™Add tokenโ€™โ€™ (TrustWallet). When you paste the contract address the Token Symbol (YUMMY) and Decimals (9) get filled in automatically.

The Yummy Token contract is 0xB003C68917BaB76812797d1b8056822f48E2e4fe

Several options to buy Yummy on DeFi:

PancakeSwap SokuSwap AnjiEco

The methods are always the same:

1.Connect wallet

Select the wallet you are using, for TrustWallet most of the times press โ€˜โ€™WalletConnect.โ€™โ€™

2.Select tokens

The most common swap is BNB or BUSD for Yummy. Select BNB on top and Yummy at the bottom.

On PancakeSwap you need to manually add the Yummy contract: 0xB003C68917BaB76812797d1b8056822f48E2e4fe select it after you found it.

Keep in mind on SokuSwap and AnjiEco you can select Yummy as itโ€™s listed there.

3.Set Slippage

When you selected the input and output token you need to set the slippage. To do so press the settings button on the swap.

Here you can set the slippage in the slippage section.

The slippage for Yummy is 11โ€“12%, meaning 9% tokenomics tax and about 2โ€“3% price volatility tolerance. This can differ at certain moments and sentiments.

A text saying โ€˜โ€™Your transactions may be frontrunโ€™โ€™ appears, but thatโ€™s normal and you can proceed.

4.Enter amount

After you set the slippage you can enter the desired amount.

When you have done so, press โ€˜โ€™Swap.โ€™โ€™ This will pop up a new window.

When you press โ€˜โ€™Confirm Swapโ€™โ€™ an approval will be required within your DeFi wallet. To proceed press โ€˜โ€™Confirm.โ€™โ€™

When you have done so and the swap is a success you will see the Yummy in your wallet.

Last updated