Up-Down additional pools

Up-Down additional pools:

With the Gladiator’s Up-Down pools users will have the option to stake their Yummy tokens based on a prediction of the outcome for the respective cryptocurrency price that same week. This can be BNB, Ethereum, CAKE and/or Bitcoin.

For example: if users expect the currency’s price to go up, they can stake in the up pool — If they expect the price to go down, they can stake in the down pool.

The pools will have the following characteristics:

  • Cryptocurrency price is set at the start of the pool (Check the official Telegram for the exact timings and schedules) from the BNB-USDT, ETH-USDT, CAKE-USDT and/or BTC-USDT market on Binance.

  • 2 Separate pools: one for UP, one for DOWN.

  • 9% Entrance and 9% early exit taxes (please wait for whitelist announcement after pool ends before withdrawing). Adding tokens to a running pool will cause a ‘’auto-harvest’’, which would result in a loss of build up rewards up until that point. We highly advise not to add tokens after the initial entry.

  • The winning pool will receive 9% entrance fees from the losing pool (will be split based on ownership % of the winning pool).

  • Regardless of pool participation the aim is to have a minimum of 10M Yummy tokens of daily rewards added by the Yummy team (subject to change at managements discretion).

  • Pools will last approximately 5 days (Telegram channel will have official timings).

  • The APRs in one pool will be adjusted according to the size of the other pool. If one pool (UP or DOWN) has higher participation relative to the other, the APR in the pool with less participation will be higher.

  • Players can stake any amount of Yummy tokens as there is no fixed entry value. However, the higher the players percentage ownership of the winning pool, the higher percentage of the 9% rewards they would receive.

  • Yields starts as soon as the game opens. Those who stake early take higher risks, but will also get a higher part of the prize. Those who stake at the end to ‘’snipe’’ the price will probably NOT make the 9% entry fee back accordingly. Important to remember, a user adding tokens to a running pool will cause a ‘’auto-harvest’’, meaning a loss of build up rewards up until that point.

Last updated