💲Pools ($Yummy, $YUSD)

Yummy and YUSD staking: Stake your $Yummy or $YUSD to earn $Yummy tokens as reward.

Using $Yummy tokens as reward allows the Yummy project to offer deflationary staking. We are consistently reducing the supply of $Yummy tokens and do not have the ability to mint more.

There are no enter or exit taxes/fees within the regular Yummy staking pools.

YUSD Staking:

Yummy Dollar (YUSD) is the Yummy projects stable coin and is 100% backed by the capital of the Growth Fund. The current utility of YUSD is as a staking asset on our platform. Since YUSD is aimed to be pegged at $1, this is a low-risk method for earning the hyper deflationary $Yummy token.

YUSD has higher staking APRs to promote acquisition. When YUSD is purchased the proceeds are directly added to the Growth Fund which fuels are top priority which is increasing the size of the capital within the growth fund.

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